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We have the honour to invite you to attend the 13th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM2022, organized by the National Institute for Research & Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest (INCDIE ICPE-CA), in partnership with the „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, University „Politehnica” of Bucharest and Romanian EMC Association.
The workshop will be a good reason for the dissemination and promotion of the Romanian and foreign scientific research results, knowledge of the latest achievements in the thematic field, maintaining direct contact among professionals, opening and developing new research directions, identifying the possibility of creating some research consortia for popularization of valuable research results in scope of tackling projects and participation in European research programs.
The workshop will address the following topics and other related issues:
• electromagnetic compatibility in the fields of electronics, communications systems, transportation systems, industrial systems;
• materials for electromagnetic compatibility;
• electromagnetic shielding and solutions;
• wireless power transfer;
• electricity quality and consumption efficiency;
• electronic packaging;
• the effects of human exposure to electromagnetic fields;
• bio-electromagnetic compatibility;
• 5G technology and health;
• issues related to EMC standardization.
We had 38 submissions this year, all accepted as the following:
• 14 invited lectures
• 15 oral presentations
• 9 posters.
The CEM 2022 workshop is continuing its tradition this year with an Award Ceremony. We would like to award the best communications in one of the two categories bellow for a junior participant.
The committee members will nominate the best communications for oral and posters sessions and the winners will be presented with their award at the CEM 2022 on Friday, 16th September 2022.
The CEM2022 Programme consists of scientific papers (structured in oral or poster sessions) and invited lessons.
The official language of the workshop is English; therefore, all the papers must be written in English.