Laboratory of electromagnets
The main area of involvement and current expertise
The international project FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, project aimed to achieve in Darmstadt, Germany, an integrated system of particle accelerators for research excellence in the field of nuclear physics.
- The involvement in the project is materialized by manufacturing, testing and delivery to FAIR project, an in-kind contribution of Romania consisting in:
- Sextupole magnets – 66 pcs.;
- Horizontal Steerer magnets – 27 pcs.;
- Vertical Steerer magnets – 26 pcs.;
- Power converter for magnets – 82 pcs.

The main capabilities and services offered by the laboratory:
- analytical computation and numerical simulations using software packages COMSOL, SolidWorks and MATLAB) to determine and optimize parameters for the geometry of the magnetic circuit and for the coils that fit in the normal-conductor electromagnets, but also for modeling and simulations of the mechanical, thermal, fluidic and electromagnetic phenomena, which occur in the operation of other electromechanical products;
- 3D CAD design and 2D drawings of technical manufacturing documentation for electromechanical products using SolidWorks software;
- mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and magnetic testing of normal-conducting electromagnets.

The main facilities of the laboratory:
Software packages:
- SolidWorks Premium 2018;
- SolidWorks Professional 2018;
- SolidWorks Simulation Premium 2018;
- SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2018;
- COMSOL 5.0;
- MATLAB 2015;
- LabVIEW 2017
Coordinate measuring machine WENZEL XOrbit 87:

- measuring range:
- 800 x 1.500 x 700 mm;
- the maximum weight of the piece to be measured: 800 kg;
- resolution: 0,1 µm;
- measuring accuracy: 2,4 + L / 300 µm.
Magnetic measuring system with 3D Hall probe:
- displacement on X, Y, Z axes: 100x100x600 mm;
- accuracy: 0,02 mm;
- 3D Hall probe rotation : ±180˚;
- servomotors with parallel encoders.

Devices for electrical and magnetic measurements