ICPE-CA policy

General Policy

Ph.D. eng. Sergiu NICOLAIE 
General Manager

On April 12, 2001, established the Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research by bringing together of some traditional research and development laboratory for areas of electrotechnical materials, including processing by ionizing radiation, unconventional electrical engineering, electrochemistry and protection against biological and electrochemical corrosion, study vibrations and technologies of their elimination.
The establishment of this Institute was the signal for the resumption of our R&D&I laboratories traditions, adapted to new internal and external socio-political conditions. Our annual strategies – the last for 2003 was approved by our Board of Directors in December 2002 – emphasize the concept of sustainable development specific to our field: economic, ecological and social needs, without the endangerment of development opportunities for next generation.
Seen thus, sustainable development is just a moral means to move to the knowledge society.
This statement with references to the three dimensions offers a full picture of our Institute to our internal and external beneficiary, researches and finished products.
If you look at the achievements of our institute, we will immediately recognize it as the “sustainable development” is not an empty notion, but a means towards sustainable success. The topics of our research – financed under the National Program for R&D&I of the Ministry of Education and Research, or from external sources or from the companies -, as well as our products and services, promote the environmental progress: reduced demand of environment both at producer – beneficiary of technologies – as well as at user of our products and services. A measure of this success is the large number of projects of international scientific collaboration, multi- and bilateral, which is involved our team and the performance of this work finds its reflection in the more than 115 scientific papers published / communicated in 2002 in the country and abroad, in the 17 patents granted or registered in 2002 and ultimately in 18 approved products in the same year. Our scientists know they are available a technical performance library, which only last year was enriched by more than 20 titles of foreign magazines in the field.
The social policy of our sustainable development is not only underlined by the collective labor contract negotiated in the Institute, but also the activities and work results of Committee of Labor Health and Security in providing of a job for all of our employees, according to their training: primary, medium or university.
Of course, our statement would not be complete if we add to this the few statistical data on the achievements of 2002, published at the beginning of this year and make it available.
Ph.D. eng. Sergiu NICOLAIE
General Manager

Technological Policy

Ph. D.. eng. Ionel CHIRIȚĂ Technical Manager – interim

Sustainable development is the support of life quality and economic prosperity. Applying this concept on medium and long term and at our institute, in all areas of activity – research, development and small series production and consulting services – should constitute the engine of a health management policy in the sphere of social and economy, staff and environment policy.
Our motto has always been quality in development, in small series production and services.
Since the establishment of the institute in April 2001, a group was created who’s main and permanent task is to implement an integrated, high performance and asset quality – environment system. Certification according to international standard ISO 9001 as AFER authorization no. 2632 for some specific products are our first proof of major interest expressed by us in this direction.
With an important experience, our existing staff is highly trained. Therefore our development, manufacturing and services were characterized by a great flexibility and mobility, enabling to satisfy the desires and interests of our customers.
Our customers are considered the most important collaborator as they make a significant contribution to the prosperity of the institute.
In 2002 the revenues achieved in the sphere of development, production and services were about 30% of total revenues. It is an important percent taking into account that this sphere of activity is served by only 20% of staff.
In order to meet the interests of our traditional beneficiaries and market penetration with new products and services, in the institute was developed a correct relationship between mobility, quality, safety and environmental responsibility.
The concept of sustainable mobility applied our various activities has resulted in the following:

In the sphere of development:
● design of new technologies and improving existing ones, to ensure a healthier working environment with a reduced environmental impact;
● design of new sustainable products which constitute an alternative to traditional products and allow penetration of other outlets.

Design a new product means, besides high functional performance, economical use of raw materials sources and energy, a long-term preservation of life quality and environment.

In the sphere of small series production:
● obtaining the maximum benefit for each product and service;
● reduce the costs, wisely use of space and time, the saving of raw materials, energy and utilities;
● elimination / reduction of waste, recycling of them and their waste products;
● rehabilitation of existing equipment and machinery.

In the sphere of services:
● extending the range of services through finding of new opportunities to operation the excellent facilities of the institute: developing the measure and quality control techniques of products and materials with applications in the electrical industry;
● developing a mechanical processing workshop designed to satisfy the needs of internal and external demands;
● offered services according to the European legislation in the field of energy, administrative, environmental and intellectual property.
Ph.D. eng. Ionel CHIRIȚĂ
Technical Manager – interim

Scientific Policy

Eros PĂTROI Scientific Manager – interim

Ph. D. eng. Adela BARA, Scientific Secretary

Science is the basis for sustainable development, which in turn, is support quality of life and economic prosperity. In INCDIE ICPE -Advanced Researches this concept defines the guiding line of all our medium and long term activities, in all areas of activity, namely:
● approaching the issues and areas of research;
● taking and execution of all orders from customers for various parts, components, materials and equipment of high-tech developed in our laboratories;
● taking and approach the various requests for specialized services and technical assistance;
● providing a healthy work environment for the institute staff.

Our motto has always been technical and scientific way in the field of research and technical assistance. This goal has been possible due to our well-trained staff that is in a direct and permanent contact with the school – higher education institutions, many of our employees – about. 10% (this percentage want to be in permanent increase) – being as teachers at various universities in the country (Bucharest University, University “Politehnica” – Bucharest, University “Walachia” – Targoviste, etc.).
The scientific coordinating of our institute as well as the establish our policy in the field is provided by the Scientific Council composed of 17 members which include a series of university professors – Prof. Emil BURZO, Prof. Florian FILIP – member of the Romanian Academy, Prof. Horia GAVRILA, Prof. Silviu JIPA, Prof. Wilhelm KAPPEL, Prof. Nicolae OLARIU, Prof. Radu SETNESCU, Prof. Teodor VISAN, the rest being Ph.D. in science.
In our conception a scientific activity can be held based on a well-trained staff with sustained scientific activity, selected and promoted by stringent performance criteria. In our institute the performance criteria are determined by the Scientific Council under which the research staff is promoted.

Short-term orientation of our researchers is towards the approach of research topics – financed from the budget or the various companies – which follows the manufacturing of new required products and services.

Long-term orientation of our researchers is towards the approach of topics such as the development of products, technologies and services that ensure the ecological progress – reduced environmental application, the company needs, and synthetic – sustainable development.

In our conception the scientific community is a community opens to the future where the remarkable results can be obtained only through a wide opening, communication and co-operation. Therefore we promote the cooperation with all the science in the country and abroad. In this context we wish to periodically organize a series of scientific events such as: international conference “Study and Control of Corrosion in the Perspective of Sustainable Development of Urban Distribution Grids”, national conference with international participation “New Trends in Material Science”, or conference “electrotechnics scientific community – a community open to the future” in the symposium “Werner von Siemens, engineer and founder of the company Siemens”.
Ph.D. eng. Eros PĂTROI                                     Ph. D. eng. Adela BĂRA
Scientific Manager – interim                             Scientific Secretary

Environmental Policy

dr. ing. Georgeta ALECU Sef laborator Management Integrat: Calitate-Mediu

Ph.D. eng. Georgeta ALECU 
Head of Laboratory 
Integrated Management of Quality and Environment. Marketing

The model of sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Environmental protection is a fundamental condition for sustainable development of society, a priority objective of national interest that is achieved through an institutional and administrative framework, which authorizes performing legal activities with environmental impact and exert control on them, on the basis of legal provisions.
In the current context of an economy that tends towards a total globalization and taking into account Romania’s integration to the EU, the institutions must comply with European Directives in order to fulfill the objectives of the quality and environment but also for a technical harmonization on the free movement of goods and services and for applying the EC label to them.
For achieving these targets, institutions should develop systematically and scientifically a well-defined strategy management to promote an innovative, investment policy of a quality-environment integrated system in order to increase the competitiveness of the products to be delivered to the market, namely to consumers and to comply the environmental protection regulations.
In ICPE-CA there is implemented a documented and certified quality management system, in accordance with the standard ISO 9001, Edition 2000, which provides a presumption of conformity with the relevant requirements of the modules E, D and H, which require the producer to work under a certified, approved quality system.
ICPE-CA has initiated the procedure of compliance to the Environment Management System according to ISO 14001 requirements, simultaneously with implementation of the Quality and Environment Integrated System.
The policies on quality and the environment, as components of the institute’s general policy, have been accomplished under the Quality and Environment Management Integrated System and they have been documented through the system general procedures, as well as some specific work and environment procedures, instructions and decisions.
ICPE-CA focuses on how to meet global requirements and expectations of all factors which are involved somewhat in the life cycle of products but also on inter-human relationships created within the collaboration. Moreover, a special attention is paid to the quality- environment approach based on the principle of relationship, the premise (gain for each and for all), a relationship in which neither side has to lose.

What our organization aims:
– To implement, maintain and permanently improve an integrated management system of quality and environment;
– To ensure compliance with the established policy of quality and environment;
– To demonstrate such compliance to others;
– To achieve the certification of the Integrated Management System of Quality and Environment by an accredited certification body;
– To conduct a self-assessment of compliance with ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001 standards;
– To achieve the certification of the Characterization and Testing of Materials & Electrical Products Laboratory, to be done by RENAR certification body;
– To continue the Railway Provider Authorization, document issued by AFER;
– To continue the authorization of Materials Characterization Laboratory for testing and specific checks of railway products, document issued by AFER;
– To undertake actions to reduce, recycle, reuse, transport and disposal the waste;
– To identify new production processes, simultaneously with the modification of existing ones, in order to reduce their negative impact on the environment;
– To keep control of the quality and environmental aspects from the start of the products designing until their post-use stage;
– To ensure the prevention and reduction of environmental accidents;
– To define emergency procedures in case of environmental accidents;
– To ensure the necessary transparency in the institute’s relations with the outside on environmental and quality issues;
– To identify the transformation parameters of current technologies in new, “clean”, ecological technologies;
– To ensure constantly the customers’ needs and expectations.

Selecting the strategy:
– Directive strategies (contained in the policies defining and submitting);
– Normative strategies (that establish the reference legal framework);
– Analytical strategies (for an initial assessment and planning of reaching goals, monitoring and measurement, adapting actions to achieve the assumed and planned objectives as well as to overcome them through continuous improvement);
– Action-oriented strategies (that are specific especially for laboratories but also for managerial factors in the related area to establishing measures.

Ph.D. eng. Georgeta ALECU
Head of Laboratory
Integrated Management of Quality and Environment. Marketing
