Promoting CS / IDT

Promoting the degree of scientific researchers – CS I and CS II

Prerequisites (in organizing competitions for CS I and CS II)

1. Compliance with Art. 24, letter c) of Law no. 391/2003 regarding the obligation “not to create a conflict of interest or unfair competition in case of overlapping of activities carried out under the law.”
Example of this kind of situation: the applicant and approved, verified and verifiable – possible in all phases of validation results of the competition, starting with the Scientific Council and Board of Directors.

2. Compliance with Art. 16, letter c) of Law no. 319/2003: ‘contest for the posts of Senior Researcher II and scientific researcher is to analyze the file for the contest, check the conditions provided by law and appreciation by scoring based on a schedule tailored to workplace activity candidate and its performance … ”

3. Study documents and records seniority issued abroad – is presented in the form translated and legalized.
Applicants who are resident in another country but are candidates for a post of researcher in an establishment / institution for research and development in Romania are subject to Romanian law so that will prove their identity, specialized seniority etc. the documents translated and legalized.

4. Failure to comply with the law (of candidates, institutions, committees) may impact including the amounts awarded and considered related to the time of grant. Ignorance of the law does not suppress their effects.

5. Each unit R & D competition organizers CS I and CS II is obliged to post on its website methodology contest must be in accordance with Law no. 319/2003 on the status of research and development.

Submission of the competition

• Application file in the submission of plastic separate file papers.
• Drill each sheet and filed it directly, for immediate visibility. DO NOT insert sheets file protective foil competition.
• Maintain order in the “List of documents”. Using separators is welcome.
• DO NOT add tabs that directly addresses specialized CNATDCU Commission in order to confirm / refute the competition dossier. These tabs will be canceled at the preliminary check made by MCI.
• The application files are delivered and recorded on Forwarding no. from General Registry (ground), then no. The specialized department (room 615).
• After concluding session validation files contest – MCI returns only scientific work. Research and Development Unit organized the competition is obliged to raise folders papers no later than 30 days from the communication date Return Address. Please note that MCI does not warrant keeping them more than two months from the date of this communication.

To identify areas
OMENCS no. 4106/2016 on the nominal composition of the National Council for Titles, Diplomas and Certificates – Annex 1. commissions and areas assigned

List files development contest CS I / II

Promoting technological development level engineers – IDT IDT I and II

List files development contest IDT I / II
