Laboratory of magnetic materials
Main areas:
I) Hard magnetic materials:
Researches for Reducing Critical Elements (Rare Earths, Co etc.);
Improving the magnetic properties of classical magnets by structural changes;
New magnets with spin interaction;
Emerging technologies for recovery of magnet from waste WEEE applications of hard magnetic materials.
II) Soft magnetic materials:
RDI for new magnetic micro / nanostructure materials or amorphous alloys;
RDI for new soft magnetic micro / nano powders materials usable in additive manufacturing;
Soft magnetic materials applications.
Services, products and technologies:
- production and characterization of magnetic materials (bulk, powders etc.);
- cutting of magnetic / metallic materials;
- modeling / simulation for circuit design / magnetic devices;
- producing magnetic / metallic microwires coated with glass;
- processing metals and alloys;
- heat treatments with and without magnetic field;
- climate testing (temperature range -40 ÷ + 180OC, relative moisture 10-99% RH for temperatures above 200OC).
- low-loss Ni-Zn ferrite material with applications in electronics and defense industry in filters and broadband transformers;
- nanocomposite magnets base on rare earth, isotropic magnets;
- AlNiCo permanent magnets;
- bonded permanent magnets based on NdFeB;
- sintered NdFeB magnets with high stability;
- insulated FeCo nanopowders;
- Hallbach cylinder rotational and homogeneous magnetic field generator;
- electrical aerial wire for electric energy transports, self-protective at frost and ice deposition;
- fluorescent powder (PDMF) for non-destructive defectoscopy control of ferromagnetic materials (wet method);
- fluorescent powder (PDMUF) for non-destructive defectoscopy control of ferromagnetic materials (dry method);
- contrast powders (PDMUC) for non-destructive defectoscopy control of ferromagnetic materials (dry method);
- flexible electromagnetic shields;
- electromagnetic shields for SEEM microwave filed (0.8-10GHz);
- electromagnetic shields EEM(50Hz-1MHz);
- magnetic coupling;
- securing elements with ferromagnetic microwires;
- Cu and FeSiB coated microwires;
- magnetic composite magnetite-zacharide type for the diagnosis of malign tumours (BIOMAG);
- composite fabric electromagnetic shield using ferromagnetic microwires as shielding component.
- process for security paper using ferromagnetic microwires.