INGIMED XX: Biomedical Engineering at the crossroads of concepts in the world and generations in Romania

Conference Hall of INCDIE ICPE-CA,
313 Splaiul Unirii Street, District 3, Bucharest
Date: November 7, 2019, 10:00am

Invitation 1

Invitation 2


Scientific Committee

Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea IFRIM – Academy of Medical Sciences

Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu M. NEGOESCU – Romanian Federation of Biomedical Engineering / Academy of Medical Sciences

Prof. Dr. Gheorghe I. MIHALAȘ – Academy of Medical Sciences, Timișoara Chapter

Dr. Cristina MOCANU – Carpatia Group Romania

Conf. Dr. Manole COJOCARU – ”Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest

Prof. Dr. Sarah Adriana NICA – University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest

Prof. Dr. Phys. Wilhelm KAPPEL – INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Georgeta VELCIU – INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Eng. Christu ȚÂRDEI – INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Mircea IGNAT – INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Eng. Radu M. NEGOESCU – Romanian Federation of Biomedical Engineering / Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences

Dr. Eng. Mircea IGNAT – scientific researcher Ist degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Eng. Gabriela OBREJA – Service of Marketing and Internal Network, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Eng. Ciprian ONICĂ – Service of Marketing and Internal Network, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Florentina CLICINSCHI – scientific researcher IIIrd degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Dorinel TĂLPEANU – scientific researcher IIIrd degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Dorian MARIN – scientific researcher IInd degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

PhDs. Eng. Alina DUMITRU – scientific researcher IIIrd degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Gabriela IOSIF – PR, Office of Management of Knowledge and Informations, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Dr. Eng. Carmen MATEESCU – scientific researcher IIInd degree, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest

Instruction for Authors

Paper title: Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, uppercase, center text,

Surname and name of the authors: Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, center text, title case

Affiliation (name of the institution, address, telephone, fax, e-mail): Times New Roman, 11 pt, title case, Italic, centrer text

Paper abstract: maxim 200 words, in both Romanian and English languages, Times New Roman, 10 pt, Italic

Paper in extenso: in English language, Word format, paper size A4, line spacing: single, Times New Roman, 11 pt; the diagrams, tables and equations shall be inserted into the text,

References: reference number, surname and name of the author, paper title, journal and volume where the paper was published, Publishing House, city, year, page numbers


October 08, 2019 – registration form – paper abstract

October 25, 2019 – paper in extenso

Contact person: Dr. Mircea Ignat, e-mail:,

Mobile: 0755.015.606

Abstract format

Template for full paper

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Registration form or Abstract / Paper registration

Pre-registration represents declaration on honour of the intention to participate.
Pre-registration form must be submitted before September 16, 2019 and does not involve abstract submission, although the (optional) announcement of a title would be welcome.
The prior pre-registration is usually required for the authors (both of invited lectures or oral communications). However, non-preregistered authors may register & submit abstracts after September 16, 2019, in compliance with the timing and writing requirements of the 1st and 2nd announcements.
If you pre-register now, you may ignore the uploading paper.
The alternative of registration & abstract submission via the Conference website can be the direct addressing of the abstract to the Secretariat by e‑mail, providing the complete personal/institutional data in the message accompanying the Word file.
All other deadlines given in 1st and 2nd announcements remain valid.
We remind that INGIMED XX does not charge a participation fee!
